Friday, June 14, 2013

New Doings - Punk/Industrial Photos, Kerouac Love, and International Travels

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged. Things were quite hectic this winter what with 2 trips to Europe and preparing for a show in Berlin. If you've visited my website, you know that 2 of my IKONS were featured in an international group show called QuadriART at the EAGL gallery in West Berlin. I made a trip to hand deliver the work, and spent 3 whirlwind weeks in Berlin. If you have never been, I highly recommend you add it to your list of must-dos, because it has to be the absolute coolest city on earth and believe me, if circumstances were different, I would definitely move there for at least 5 years, in a heart beat.

Speaking of moving, my second European trip was to attend the closing party for the Berlin exhibit and to explore the up and coming art community in Hastings, England. I fell head over heels in love with the place, and when my obligations in the US are done, I fully intend upon relocating there.

After all of this running around, I had to jump straight into teaching mode because classes started less than a week after my return. Between teaching an extra heavy course load and family obligations, I felt overwhelmed and anxious about neglecting my art. But, I have more than made up for that. I have acquired a shared studio space in Downtown Lynn, and am working steadily on 2 projects besides IKONS. One is a tribute to Jack Kerouac, a BEAT IKONS series, if you will, called Hipster Headed Angels. This will be a mixed media installation comprised of collage, pen and ink, pencil, window art, assemblage, and audio collage. I am very excited about this and ideally will have it finished for the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac events in October. The second is a punk/industrial photo series called "Here". The portfolio for this work will follow below. 

The artist statement for "Here" is different from IKONS. What the industrial photos exemplify is the constant state of deconstruction in our cities. What was once thriving and alive, and viewed as eternal in its hey-day, will fall, but there are elements of beauty which endure. Oddly, these elements are things implemented for function, rather than beauty. The beauty they possess is almost an afterthought, and in the reconstruction of our old cities under new identities, these elements will remain as curiosities or embellishments, as well as retain their functionality. Have a look at the Images. I hope to show them as 9x13s framed, and print no more than 10 each. 8x10s will be available upon request, and I am considering printing up sets of boxed note cards. For pricing and exhibition information, please contact me through my website. This work is still in progress.

"Here" Portfolio

Alien Spout


Brick 19

Dark Entries

 Red Doors

High Street Sconce

Dead Stores


Fire Escape

You Are Here


Textured Mold

Pink Owl

Rain Pipe


Peeling Sconce




 Summer Window




Resting Alarm
